This workshop is aimed at shellfish industry representatives, researchers and regulatory agencies to look at regulation for norovirus.
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Hosted by the Shellfish Centre, Bangor University supported by Seafish and SAGB.
The sustainability and growth of the shellfish aquaculture sector relies on clean and healthy coastal water as set out in the Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The shellfish sector is strictly regulated in order to minimise the risk of transfer of human pathogens to consumers. This workshop aims to bring together representatives from the shellfish industry, EU regulatory agencies and researchers in the field of shellfish and human health to exchange information and views around approaches to regulation of shellfish microbial quality and shellfish production. The focus of the workshop will be on protecting consumer safety through dealing with the risk of norovirus contamination in shellfish in a more effective, informed and comprehensive way. It will bring together recent industry experience and science updates to inform discussion of potential for new regulatory approaches to norovirus in the environment and shellfish.
Mae cynaliadwyedd a thwf y sector dyframaethu pysgod cregyn yn dibynnu ar ddŵr arfordirol glân ac iach fel y nodir yn y Gyfarwyddeb Fframwaith Dŵr a Chyfarwyddeb Fframwaith y Strategaeth Forol.
Mae’r sector pysgod cregyn yn cael ei reoleiddio’n llym er mwyn lleihau’r risg o drosglwyddo pathogenau dynol i ddefnyddwyr hyd yr eithaf. Nod y gweithdy hwn yw dwyn ynghyd gynrychiolwyr o’r diwydiant pysgod cregyn, asiantaethau rheoleiddio’r UE ac ymchwilwyr ym maes pysgod cregyn ac iechyd dynol i gyfnewid gwybodaeth a safbwyntiau am ddulliau o reoleiddio ansawdd microbaidd pysgod cregyn a chynhyrchu pysgod cregyn.
Bydd y gweithdy’n canolbwyntio ar warchod diogelwch defnyddwyr drwy ddelio â’r risg o halogiad norofeirws mewn pysgod cregyn mewn modd mwy effeithiol, gwybodus a chynhwysfawr. Bydd yn uno profiadau diweddar yn y diwydiant â diweddariadau gwyddonol er mwyn llywio’r drafodaeth ynghylch y posibilrwydd o gael dulliau newydd o reoleiddio norofeirws yn yr amgylchedd ac mewn pysgod cregyn.
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The Shellfish Centre RD&I operation is part-funded by the EU’s West Wales and the Valleys European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programme through the Welsh Government.
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